Welcome to Siva Kandiah Insurance and Investment Advisor!
Siva Kandiah Siva Kandiah Siva Kandiah
+1 (416) 315-8100
M1V 5E4 Toronto Ontario

About us

About Siva Kandiah

insurance and investment advisor

Siva Kandiah is the CEO and President of Royal Brokers – an award-winning life insurance and investments brokerage operating over the past 20 years. For two decades, he established himself throughout several communities in Ontario as being a trusted leader that will provide the best insurance for their needs.

Siva has accrued a vast knowledge of the insurance industry from servicing several communities, obtaining highly acclaimed CLU, CHS designations, and being a Million Dollar Round Table member. He has brought this expertise to Royal Brokers by creating a growing team of advisors that take pride in helping customers find and compare the best life insurance rates in the industry.

He and his team strive to provide the best customer service by providing the optimal set of insurance policies for each client and exhibiting the highest degree of professionalism. Whether you’re starting a young family or a recent retiree, Siva and his team will work with you to understand the coverage you need while balancing the price that fits your budget.

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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

Siva Kandiah is the CEO and President of Royal Brokers – an award-winning life insurance and investments brokerage operating over the past 20 years

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a basic need for it protects the financial security of your loved ones and yourself. If anyone is reliant on you financially,…

Non-Medical Insurance

There are many reasons as to why someone would decline life insurance due to medical & health issues. Non medical life insurance...

Mortgage Insurance

Your home or business is normally your biggest asset. Thus, an adequate amount of protection must be enforced in the case of an unfortunate event...

Travel Insurance

Unexpected medical treatment is the most expensive hidden cost you can incur whenever you travel for pleasure or business. Travel insurance...

Critical Illness Insurance

Statistics show that an increasing number of young Canadians will be diagnosed by critical illnesses. Fortunately, medical...

Disability Insurance

If you become disabled, your ability to earn income, pay bills, or save for retirement may be compromised. Our disability insurance plans are designed...

Consultio is a professional consulting company

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Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management

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Growth internationallyfirst half of the 2018s

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The purpose of the business plan

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Focus business history on what matters to planning

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History to Unite and Inspire People

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For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans

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Award winner

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.