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Registered Education Saving Plan (RESP)

Registered Education Saving Plan (RESP) An RESP is a special savings plan (like a savings account) that helps you, your family or friends to save early for a child’s education after high school is registered by the Government of Canada that allows savings for education after high school to grow tax-free and could also gain […]
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Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP)

Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP) A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an investment account designed primarily for saving toward your retirement years. RRSP have special tax benefits and its regulated by Government of Canada. Your RRSP contribution can reduce your income tax you pay in that year. Also your money growth is also tax […]
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Tax Free Saving Account (TFSA)

Tax Free Saving Account (TFSA) In 2009, Government of Canada launch flexible investment account that allows Canadians to earn tax-free investment income to more easily meet lifetime savings needs. Investment income in a TFSA whether you are earning interest, dividends or capital gains—are not taxed, even when withdrawn. This tax-free compound growth means that your […]
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